Saturday, April 4, 2009

An April Fools to Remember

Since it's around April fools day--- or 3 days after, I remembered a trick that my friend Aubrey and I played on two of our friends during our freshman year at BYU-I. Well this is how it all started. One of Aubrey's friends went to an Asian wedding where they were serving things such as a chicken claw and something like a bird's top half of a head with the beak still on. He took a few of them and brought them to Aubrey intending to gross her out. It did gross us out but I had an idea. First, we decided to pull a little prank on our friend Kyra. She loves peeps so we bought a package of yellow peeps, carefully opened it and stuck the top half of the bird head in the package replacing one of the peeps. A label was over the head a little so you couldn't really see it until you looked really close. Ok, so we gave the box of peeps to Kyra and she was so happy. She said that we were such good friends and that she loved peeps. She didn't see the head until she had eaten probably two of them. We weren't there unfortunately to see her reaction but let me tell you she was soooooo mad! Don't worry she laughed about it later.

Next prank was to our friend Kaylee. Here's what we did. We got a cute little box and put the chicken's claw in it. We wrote a note that said this: Kaylee, We hope you have a stress-free time during finals and we just wanted to let you know that if you ever need a HAND with anything you can always call us. Love, Your Visiting Teachers. (notice the HAND part?? :)) Anyway, we put it in her bed and her roommate told us that she got in bed and didn't see it so it knocked over in her bed and the claw fell out and she started screaming and threw it on the ground. She then cried a lot. We felt really bad but also, wasn't that a really great prank?!


Skyler and Aubrey said...

haha, we are so funny! I was there for Kyra opening the peeps and seeing the head...we had hidden it under an envelope so she couldn't see it. Thanks for the reminder of how funny we are!

the h fam. said...

hahahaa my husband is still sleeping and i'm trying to laugh silently at these! they are hilarious, i wish i could have been there!!

Gilstrap Family said...

Hey you guys! How is everything going up in ol rexburg! We sure miss you 2! Hope everything is going great! Congratulations on graduating tomorrow Melissa!

Justin and Michelle Klingler said...

So Kyra and Aubrey told me you posted something about this lil prank so I sort of blog hopped to find you so I could read your version. Hope you don't mind. But this was THE BEST prank ever. I was laughing so hard that night. It was awesome. I will never forget how loud she screamed, I felt so bad too because I was laughing the whole time. But we all laughed later. Anyway, you guys are hilarious!!! Take care.