Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wow, I NEVER post anymore!

Hi! It's me, Melissa! You know, the long lost person who's blog you read occasionally?
Well I'm back.
I have decided that I should probably update this thing.
Although, I don't have time to post pictures right now which is lame, I'll still give the 'low down' on what's happening right now.
I wrecked our beauty of a car. :(
Logan had his 26th birthday, but that was in March so that is WAAAY old news.
I'll post pics of that later.
We celebrated our 3rd anniversary! (again, pics later)
We had our fare share of adventures this summer
(Lake Powell, Boise, Dave Matthews Band concert, & Lagoon).
Logan got his MCAT scores back (which were awesome) and now he's applying for med school. I'm still working while he's trying to find a job and HOPEFULLY we will be able to move to Idaho Falls VERY SOON.
Alright well now I'm all caught up, I'll be back soon with pictures!